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Ace Hotel System



In order to use our Website creator, all you need is your own domain.

Click HERE to go to Website setup.

Follow the black menu bar on the left side of the screen and create your own website.

  1. Template – Start out with selecting a Template for your website

  2. Header – Add your logo, front page image, add your text and select your brand color

  3. Navigation – Add sites to your main menu bar and footer

  4. Statistic Text – Text that will appear on your main page, terms and condition and privacy policy

  5. Features – Add icons and description on what the property has to offer

  6. FAQ – Add your response to frequently asked questions

  7. Rooms – Description of your rooms and publish or unpublish the rooms you want to appear on your website

  8. Testimonial – Add testimonials from OTA channels

  9. Custom Pages – Design your own pages to add extra information to your site. Remember to add them to your Navigation Menu to make them visible on your website

  10. Blog Post – Add blogs to your website

  11. Pictures – Upload images and add the to a room type

  12. Gallery – Upload photos to your photo album

  13. Settings – Add your domain to the website you have created among more actions

  14. Translations – Add another language to your website. FYI you will need to write all the content in that language as well.