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Reservation card/Booking Details – Overview

Ace Hotel System

Reservation details

The reservation card will show all of the details of a reservation.

The reservation card will show all of the details of a reservation.

  • Rooms: All the information about the room – More Details

  • Extras: Will show what is included or added on to a reservation (breakfast, drinks, extra bed etc.) – More Details

  • Guests: Details about the guest or guests that are staying in the room

  • Folios: The customers receipt – More Details

  • Payment: To charge the customer or make a refund – More Details

  • Email: Email the customer directly from the PMS with confirmation, receipt or a simple message – More Details

  • History: Track all actions that are made on the reservation – More Details

  • Attachment: Add a PDF, excel sheet, photo etc. – More Details

The top bar of the reservation card will show you the reservation number, the source the booking came from, and an internal reference (optional).